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Onboard Freelancers

Use custom fields to speed up your editing and distribution processes. Track approval status, make selects, assign tasks — whatever works for your team.

Send and receive content in one centralized tool

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

To stay organized and save time, give partners access to specific boards in your workspace!
  • Collect content from guests

    Partners and freelancers can upload content directly into your workspace. Never lose a delivery in your inbox again!
  • Public boards

    Create a share link for any board and set permissions for comments, downloads, uploads, and versions. Even add a password, for peace of mind.
  • Conduct creative reviews

    Video timestamp and annotation commenting add precision to discussions on your content — close those confusing feedback loops.

"Our feedback is finally in one place, and boards make it so easy to share assets with our agency for approvals. Game changer!"

Allie Dempster Co-Founder & CMO @ Lupii

Follow projects from start to finish

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Lollipop chupa chups marshmallow sugar plum apple pie pudding jujubes. Croissant cookie tootsie roll topping shortbread chocolate bar pie pudding. Chocolate pastry powder toffee chupa chups. Liquorice topping pudding icing ice cream.

The quick brown fox

The quick brown fox

Advanced link permissions

The quick brown fox

The quick brown fox

Mobile and email notifications

The quick brown fox

The quick brown fox

Tie video comments to a particular timestamp

The quick brown fox

The quick brown fox

Custom permissions for guest collaborators

Unblock creativity.

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Everything you hate, we automate

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