It's like googling your creative work

smart search

Navigate your workspace like a search engine. Built-in features like image recognition and smart tag keywords enable anyone on your team to jump in and locate assets, all by themselves.

Search that works the way you think

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

To find anything on Dropbox, you need to know the folder structure. Air was built with everyone in mind, from power users to newbies. Instead of a winding path to your content, it's a single step. Think outside the box — outside of folder structures.

  • Spend less time manually tagging
  • Content-based keywords are automatically added to every image as soon as you upload or import: people, blue, sky, cumulus, etc.
  • Search with keywords
  • Can't remember where an asset lives? No worries, those smart keywords let you search by content, not just title.
  • Search by date and metadata
  • Trying to find an image from that shoot last August? Search by date and other metadata like who uploaded the asset, or resolution.
  • Savvy search filters
  • Quickly filter your entire workspace, or just a single board, by uploader, file type, color, source, or tags.

"My social and digital marketing teams can find assets without slowing down our designers. They're always in awe at how fast and reliable it is in comparison to our old Dropbox"

Matt Michaelson Co-Founder and CEO @ Smalls

Plus, all the other stuff you’d expect

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Lollipop chupa chups marshmallow sugar plum apple pie pudding jujubes. Croissant cookie tootsie roll topping shortbread chocolate bar pie pudding. Chocolate pastry powder toffee chupa chups. Liquorice topping pudding icing ice cream.

The quick brown fox

The quick brown fox

Custom labels for projects and approvals

The quick brown fox

The quick brown fox

Titles, descriptions, and captions

The quick brown fox

The quick brown fox

Version stacks for structured revisions

The quick brown fox

The quick brown fox

Filters for date, color, file type, uploader, and more

Unblock creativity.

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Everything you hate, we automate

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